Legenda o Ptici Robot
Osnovna ideja postavke interaktivno-ekološke skulpture Ptice Robot, je da se javni urbani prostori urede i oplemene umetničkom skulpturom koja ima praktičnu i promotivnu funkciju. Ptica Robot u okviru svoje praktične funkcije pomaže sekundarnu separaciju otpada tako što prikuplja i skladišti alu limenke. Od 03. jula 2009. godine ovog novog stanovnika Vračara limenkama je nahranilo preko 100.000 građana (čime se ostvaruje dobit za nabavku 4 nove mašine za veš) a medijski je zabeleženo preko 143.000 objava.
Režiju za tekstulane poruke Ptice Robota napisao je Marko Kostić - filmski režiser a glas za glasovne poruke Ptice Robota na Vračaru dao je Igor Brakus - radio B92.
Umetničko-ekološki robot Ptica Robot za reciklažu limenki, autorsko delo Biljane Bibe Vicković, je tokom 2009. godine od investicionog portala Ekapija proglašen za investiciju godine. Od 22.12. 2009. godine, Ptica Robot, stekla je status spomenika kulture grada Beograda, zaštićenog od Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika grada Beograda, pod brojem: Р4592/09, i tako postala prva umetnička robot skulptura grada Beograda. Rođendansko slavlje i postavka druge Ptice Robot održano je 17.12.2010. u 12h u parku pored zgrade opštine Savski Venac, Kneza Miloša 69.
Ptica Robot dobija ime Limenko gutić
Konkurs „Dajmo ime Ptici Robot“, pokrenut od strane UG Sfere No i opštine Vračar, započet je septembra 2009. kada je oko sedam stotina četvrtaka iz svih osnovnih škola sa Vračara, obišlo umetničku skulpturu koja ima za cilj da animira sugrađane o važnosti reciklaže. U periodu koji je usledio učenici su dostavljali svoje predloge za ime ptice, u vidu literalnih i likovnih radova. Od svih šest stotina pristiglih radova, odabrano je tridesetak najzanimljivijih koji su bili izloženi u holu opštine Vračar od 9. do 25. novembra 2009, nakon čega je usledilo glasanje za najbolji predlog za ime Ptice Robota. Svi građani Vračara, i drugih opština, učestvovali su u glasanju. Ptica Robot je dobila ime Limenko Gutić, a pobedničkoj školi “Jovan Miodragović” 25.11.2009. su od strane zvaničnika mnogobrojnih institucija koje su podržale razvoj programa, dodeljena prva tri ArtEko kontejnera za reciklažu limenki, pet i papirne ambalaže.
Igranjem “Green Games” igrica podstičemo decu, omladinu i građane na proces reciklaže! Svaki građanin koji odloži limenku u Pticu Robota, dobija tiket gde osim poruka o važnosti reciklažnog procesa stoji i specijalni kod. Preko tog koda građani se loguju na internet sajt opštine koja je domaćin robota, na kom igraju “Green Games” video igrice sa ekološkim porukama. Ideja igrice je da se sakupi što više bodova, a bodovi se sakupljaju uklanjanjem otpada kroz različite nivoe igrice. Za prelazak na sledeći nivo igrice potrebno je ponovo nahraniti Pticu Robota limenkama, čime se deca i građani putem igre stimulišu na dodatno prikupljanje reciklažne sirovine.
Kako hraniti pticu robota?
Ptica Robot se napaja pomoću solarnih kolektora!
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Predviđeno je da ceo sistem Ptice Robota bude adaptiran za napajanje solarnom energijom. Uz Pticu Robota postavljen je i promo pult, koji ima za cilj da nas informiše o svim tekućim ekološkim aktivnostima tokom godine za koji je takođe predviđeno da se napaja sunčevom energijom preko solarnih kolektora. Time se omogućava stalna promocija ovog sistema, u cilju informisanja gradjana o društvenoj koristi obnovljivih izvora energija.
Kroz navedene tehnološke aktivnosti, Ptica Robot simboliše uređenje i revitalizaciju prostora u kome je postavljena, a time se obezbeđuju promotivne aktivnosti održivog razvoja tokom i nakon trajanja projekta, čime se građani afirmišu na ekološku svesnost i korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije u svakodnevnici.
Ptica Robot skulptura
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Ptica Robot galerija
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Legend about Bird Robot
The purpose of the placement of the Bird Robot interactive sculpture is the announcement of the revitalization of landscaped urban areas at the municipality of Savski Venac. The basic concept of the placement of interactive ecological sculpture Robot Bird is to arrange public space and improve them with artistic sculpture which has practical and promotional function. Bird Robot, with its practical function, helps secondary separation of waste by collecting and storing tins. Since July 3rd 2009, this inhabitant of Vračar has been fed with tins by over 100.000 citizens (thus making profit for the purchase of 4 new washing machines) and media registered over 163.000 announcments.
Marko Kostić - film director, wrote text messages for the Bird Robot and Igor Brakus- radio B92, realized the voice for voice messages for the Bird Robot.
Artistic and ecological Bird Robot for tin recycling, the project authored by Biljana Biba Vicković, in 2009 was declared an investment of the year by portal Ekapija. From December 22nd 2009 the Bird Robot got the status of the cultural monument of the City of Belgrade protected by the Belgrade Institute for Protection of Monuments under No: Р4592/09, and thus became the first artistic robot sculpture of the City of Belgrade. Birthday celebration and the placement of the second Robot Bird was held on December 17th 2010 at 12 am in the park next to the municipality of Savski Venac, Kneza Miloša 69.
The Bird Robot was named Limenko Gutic!
The competiton „Lets name the Bird Robot“ was initiated by the NGO “Sphere No” and Municipality of Vračar in September 2009, when about seven hundred fourth grade primary pupils from all elementary schools from Vračar visited an art sculpture, whose aim is to animate and educate the citizens about the importance of recycling. In the forthcoming period the students delivered their proposals for the name of a bird, in the form of literary and art works. Out of six hundred received proposals, thirty semi-finalists were selected, whose works were exhibited in the hall of the municipality of Vračar from November 9th till November 25th 2009. After the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the best proposal for the name was chosen. All the citizens of Vračar, and other municipalities, took part in voting.
Bird Robot was named Limenko Gutić (Tin Gutierrez) and the winning school “Jovan Miodragović” on November 25th 2009 was awarded with three ArtEko containers for tin, pet and paper recycling by the officials of many institutions that have supported the development program. Robot Bird got its name Limenko Gutić.
Taking part in playing Green games we are building recycling awareness in children, youth and citizens of Serbia! Every citizen that uses Bird Robot for disposing tin cans, aluminum cans and metal packaging gets coded-dedicated log on ticket which carries eco friendly recycling info as well. Using Bird hosting local municipalities Websites with logging in site will recognize coded-dedicated ticket no. and playing Green games gives each user opportunity to collect extra bonus points to reach various games levels. To further to next level user/player will need to feed the Bird or Robot and accumulate more points. This game encourages all aspects of parties involved supporting eco-waste friendly awareness.
Bird Robot is charged by solar collectors!
The whole system of the Bird Robot is adapted so that it is supplied by solar energy. In addition to the bird, a promotion stand was put up as well whose purpose is to inform us about all ongoing ecological activities throughout the year, and which is also charged via solar energy solar collectors. Thus a permanent promotion of this system has been enabled for the purpose of informing the citizens on social benefits of renewable sources of energy.
With the given technological activities, Bird Robot symbolizes organization and revitalization of space in which it has been placed. This provides for promotional activities of sustainable development during and after the project, and the citizens upgrade ecological awareness and use of renewable sources in every day.