Green Games seminar



Preuzmite predavanje Prof. dr Radoslava Stojića, profesora Fakulteta informacionih tehnologija Univerziteta Metropolitan u Beogradu
Kako da srednjoškolac najlakše napravi igru?



Nacionalna kampanja „Znanjem za održivi razvoj”

Registracioni formular za ”Green Games” akreditovani seminar

Datum održavanja GG seminara je 22. maj 2012. u 13:00h na Građevinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73
na Računarskom Fakultetu u Beogradu, Knez Mihailova  6/VI



Celodnevni akreditovani GG trening seminar namenjen je profesorskom kadru informatičke delatnosti iz preko 150 obrazovnih institucija iz 70 gradova Srbije.

Program GG seminara baziran je na modelu društveno odgovornog programiranja koje analitički pristupa  upotrebi obnovljivih izvora energije i čistih tehnologija, i bavi se dugotrajnom afirmacijom na polju izrade multimedijalnih sadržaja sa ekološkom porukom.

Učesnici GG seminara će dobiti sve potrebne materijale (plakate, brošure, detaljna uputstva sa propozicijama takmičenja, multimedijalnu prezentaciju takmičenja) da bi na jednostavan i atraktivan način mogli da informišu đake o daljem toku takmičenja.

Glavni cilj: Aktiviranje učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola za upotredu društveno odgovornog programiranja u svhu promocije obnovljivih izvora energije i čistih tehnologija.

Ciljna grupa:

Neposredno: nastavni kadarovi u osnovnim i srednjim školama u cilju mentorskog angažovanja u procesu formiranja takmičarskog tima

Posredno: Deca srednjoškolskog uzrasta

Dužina trajanja: Jedan dan

Troškovi: Svim učesnicima seminara će biti pokriveni putni troškovi






13.00 - 13.10

Uvodna reč

Prof. dr Đorđe Vuksanović, dekan Građevinskog fakulteta

13.10 - 13:35

Uvod u program seminara i propozicije takmičenja

mr Biljana Biba Vicković, direktor udruženja Oktopus, Branislav Gligorov, web programer udruženja Oktopus

13:35 - 14:15

Kako da srednjoškolac najlakše napravi igru?

Prof. dr Radoslav Stojić, profesor Fakulteta informacionih tehnologija Univerziteta Metropolitan u Beogradu

14:15 - 14:30



14.30 - 15.00

Društveni mediji i navike korišćenja interneta

Srećko Šekeljić, koordinator programa Instituta za održive zajednice (ISC)

15.00 - 15.30

Olimpijac study case

Milan Obradović (Telenor) i Ivan Minić

15.30 - 16.00

Pauza za ručak


16.00 - 16.45

Primena novih tehnologija u ekologiji

Prof. dr Zoran Stević Inovacioni centar Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu

16.45 - 17.00




Prof. dr Đorđe Vuksanović, dekan Građevinskog fakulteta u Beogradu - Uvodna reč

mr Biljana Biba Vicković, direktor udruženja Oktopus - Uvod u program seminara. Celodnevni akreditovani GG trening seminar namenjen je profesorskom kadru informatičke delatnosti iz preko 120 obrazovnih institucija iz 60 gradova Srbije. Program GG seminara baziran je na modelu društveno odgovornog programiranja koje analitički pristupa upotrebi obnovljivih izvora energije i čistih tehnologija, i bavi se dugotrajnom afirmacijom na polju izrade multimedijalnih sadržaja sa ekološkom porukom.

Branislav Gligorov, web programer udruženja Oktopus - Upoznavanje učesnika seminara sa načinom prijave, slanja radova, rokovima za prijavu, korišćenjem web portala, proces e-mail i sms glsanja, praćenja rezultata glasanja, proglašenje pobednika...

Prof. dr Radoslav Stojić, profesor Fakulteta informacionih tehnologija Univerziteta Metropolitan u Beogradu - Kako da srednjoškolac najlakše napravi igru? Šta su igre i kako se prave. Alati za amaterske igre - Endžini za 2D igre (primer). Endžini za 3D igre (primer). Primer Eco igre.

Srećko Šekeljić, koordinator programa Instituta za odžive zajednice (ISC) - Društveni mediji i navike korišćenja interneta. Korišćenje novih medija među mladima. Da li je Internet promenio životne navike? Kako koristiti internet I društvene medije za prezentovanje sadržaja u svrhu edukacije.

Milan Obradović (Telenor) i Ivan Minić - Olimpijac study case - Učesnici seminara i sami takmičari će razmenjivati poruke preko različitih društvenih mreža (Facebook, Twiter...), a imajući u vidu da je ekspanzija Smart telefona jako velika, i da smo svedoci sve ćešće upotrebe mobilnih komunikacija u svakodnevnom životu, potrebno je približiti ove tehnologije učesnicima seminara, način njihovog funkcionisanja i mogućnost primene savremenih kanala komunikacije u svakodnevnoj upotrebi.

Prof. dr Zoran Stević, Inovacioni centar Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu - Primena novih tehnologija u ekologiji. Primena novih tehnologija u cilju podizanja društvene svesti usmerene ka očuvanju životne sredine. Obnovljivi izvori energije i smanjenje emisije polutanata. Pametno upravljane otpadom. Čiste tehnologije za uklanjanje opasnog i smanjenje deponovanog otpada.


National Campaign “Knowledge for Sustainable Development”

Registration form for “Green Games” accredited seminar

Event date of GG seminar is May 22nd 2012 at 13 pm
at Faculty of Civil Engineering , Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73


Please send the registration form until May 15rd 2012.

(copy of this form will be sent to the specified email address)


All-day accredited GG training seminar is intended for IT professors from over 150 educational institutions from 70 cities in Serbia.

GG Seminar program is based on a model of socially responsible programming that analytically approaches the use of renewable energy and clean technologies, and addresses the long-term affirmation of production in the field of multimedia content with ecological message.

GG seminar participants will receive all necessary materials (posters, brochures, detailed instructions on the rules of the competition, multimedia presentation competition) in order to be able to inform students about the future course of the competition in a simple and attractive way.

Main objective: Activation of primary and secondary schools for socially responsible programming with the goal of promotion of renewable energy and clean technologies.

Target group:

Directly: teaching staff in primary and high schools with objective of mentoring engagement in the process of forming a competitive team.

Indirectly: high school students

Duration: One day

Costs: Travel expenses will be covered to all participants of the seminar







13.00 - 13.10

Opening speech

Prof. dr Đorđe Vuksanović, dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering

13.10 - 13.35

Introduction in the seminar an competition rules

MA Biljana Biba Vicković, director of Oktopus, Branislav Gligorov, Oktopus web programmer

13:35 - 14:15

How can a pupil make a game in the easiest way?

Prof. dr Radoslav Stojić, professor of the Faculty of Information technology of the Metropolitan University in Belgrade

14.15 - 14.30



14.30 - 15.00

Social media and using of internet

Srećko Šekeljić, grant program coordinator of the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC)

15.00 - 15.30

Social networks and smart phones

Milan Obradović (Telenor) and Ivan Minić

15.30 - 16.00

Lunch break


16.00 - 16.45

Use of new technologies in ecology

Prof. dr Zoran Stević, Innovation center of School of Electrical engineering in Belgrade

16.45 - 17.00




Prof. dr Đorđe Vuksanović, dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade - Opening speech

MA Biljana Biba Vicković, director of Oktopus - Introduction in the seminar. All-day accredited GG training seminar is intended for IT professors from over 120 educational institutions from 60 cities in Serbia. GG Seminar program is based on a model of socially responsible programming that analytically approaches the use of renewable energy and clean technologies, and addresses the long-term affirmation of production in the field of multimedia content with ecological message.

Branislav Gligorov, web programmer of Oktopus – Introduction of the participants of the seminar with the applications, sending of their works, deadlines for application, using of web portal, about the process of e-mail and SMS voting, following of the results, the announcement of the winner...

Prof. dr Radoslav Stojić, professor of the Faculty of Information technology of the Metropolitan University in Belgrade - How can a pupil make a game in the easiest way? What is a game and how to make one? Tools for the games- Engine for 2D games (example). Engine for 3D games (example). Example of Eco game.

Srećko Šekeljić, grant program coordinator of the Institute for Sustainable Communities(ISC) – Social media and habits of using of internet. Using of new media among youth. Does the Internet change habits? How to use internet and social media for presenting of content in purpose of education.

Milan Obradović (Telenor) and Ivan Minić - Olimpijac study case

Seminar participants and competitors will exchange messages via various social networks (Facebook, Twitter...). Having in mind that the expansion of Smart phones is very large, and that we are witnessing the growing use of mobile communications in everyday life, it is necessary to bring closer this technology to the participants and show them the functionality and possibilities of application of modern channels of communication in every day life.

Milan Obradović (Telenor) - Social networks and smart phones Seminar participants and competitors will exchange messages via various social networks (Facebook, Twitter...). Having in mind that the expansion of Smart phones is very large, and that we are witnessing the growing use of mobile communications in everyday life, it is necessary to bring closer this technology to the participants and show them the functionality and possibilities of application of modern channels of communication in every day life.

Prof. dr Zoran Stević, Innovation center of School of Electrical engineering - Use of new technologies in ecology. Use of new technologies in order to increase social awareness to preserve the environment. Renewable sources of energy and decreasing of pollutants. Smart using of technologies. Clean technologies for removing of dangerous and decreasing deposited waste.


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