O nama





Udruženje Oktopus osnovano je 2003. godine, a stručno je orijentisano ka razvijanju holističkih ciljeva u modernoj umetnosti, kulturno-edukativnim aktivnostima, tematskoj naučnoj fantastici i istraživačko informatičkoj delatnosti.


Najpoznatiji projekat udruženja je idejno rešenje i izrada Ptice Robot, interaktivne reciklažne urbane instalacije autorke mr Biljane Bibe Vicković, koja je 22. decembra 2009. stekla status spomenika kulture i koja predstavlja revoluciju u načinu shvatanja reciklažnog procesa kod šire javnosti.


Pored Ptice Robot, udruženje Oktopus je tokom 2009-2010. godine u okviru dvogodišnje lokalne ekološke kampanje pod nazivom „Beogradska akcija reciklaže", realizovalo i projekte kao što su ArtEko roboti za reciklažu i Green Dream interaktivna ekološka video game instalacija autorke Biljane Bibe Vicković, čije informacije su dostupne na sajtu www.oktoopus.org.


Dve godine ranije, 2007. i 2008, Oktopus organizuje „Oktopus međunarodno bijenale proširenih medija". Program bijenala kroz art direkciju Biljane Bibe Vicković www.8i8abi.com, predstavljen je u šest Beogradskih kulturnih centara: paviljonu “Cvijeta Zuzorić”, (SKC) Studentskom kulturnom centru, Rex-u, New Moment galeriji, O3ONE galeriji, District kulturnom centru pri Muzeju primenjenih umetnosti, kao i na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Više o bijenalu pogledajte na stranicama www.oktoopus.rs.


Početkom 2011. Oktopus pokreće nacionalnu kampanju „Znanjem za održivi razvoj" koja se realizuje putem “Green Games“ takmičenja za osnovace i srednjoškolce, u izradi video igara sa ekološkom porukom, u preko 70 gradova i opština i preko 150 škola širom Srbije. Dodatne informacije možete pronaći na stranicama www.greengames.rs.
















About us



Association “Octopus” was founded in 2003 and is professionally oriented toward developing holistic goals in the field of: modern Art and Design, cultural and research activities, science fiction, research activities in information technology.


The best-known project of the association is design concept and production of Bird Robot, an interactive urban recycling installation, authored by MA Biljana Biba Vicković, which on December 22nd 2009 got the status of the cultural monument of the City of Belgrade. Now, it represents a revolution in the way of understanding the process of recycling among the general public.


Besides Bird Robot in 2009 and 2010, during biennial local environmental campaign called "Belgrade Recycling Action", association Okopus has also implemented projects such as ArtEko recycling robots and Green Dream ecological interactive video game installation, authored by Biljana Biba Vicković, whose information is available on the website www.oktoopus.rs.


Two years earlier in 2007 and 2008, Oktopus organized “The Octopus International Media Biennial”. Biljana Biba Vickovic was art director of the biennial. The program was presented in six cultural centers in Belgrade: “Cvijeta Zuzorić” pavilion, (SKC) Students Cultural Centre, Rex, New Moment gallery, O3ONE gallery, District cultural centre - cultural centre of Museum of Applied Arts, and the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. More about the Biennial at www.oktoopus.rs.


In the beginning of 2011 Octopus launched national campaign "Knowledge for Sustainable Development", which was implemented through the "Green Games" competition for primary and high school students, and though development of video games with ecological message in over 70 cities and municipalities and over 150 schools in Serbia. Additional information can be found at www.greengames.rs.


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