SMS glasanje
Glasaj putem SMS-a za tim ili kandidate iz tvog grada/opštine!
Tvoja SMS poruka je prilog za fond za obrazovanje talentovanih informatičara.
Pobednici takmičenja biće dobitnici fonda, a sredstva će pobedniku i njegovoj porodici umanjiti troškove školovanja.
Zahvaljujemo Telenoru, koji je omogućio da sredstva od SMS poruka sa 063 mreže, budu usmerena u fond za obrazovanje talentovanih informatičara.
Glasanje traje do kraja oktobra 2012.
SMS vote
Vote by SMS for your team and for candidates from your city and municipality.
Your SMS is a contribution to the fund for the education of talented IT experts.
The winners of the competition will be awarded by the fund. The funds they will receive will help the winner and his family with scholarship expenses.
We would like to thank to Telenor that made possible to use the funds from SMS messages on 063 network as a contribution to fund for the talented IT experts.
Voting will last till end of October 2012