






ArtEko reciklazni roboti (Art to ecology)

ArEko roboti osmišljeni su u cilju obrazovanja osnovaca i srednjoškolaca o značaju reciklažnog procesa i očuvanju životne sredine. Arteko roboti služe za reciklažu, pet, met i papirne ambalaže.

Tiket robot je sasvim poseban, jer je konstruisan tako da izdaje tiket koji se dobija ubacivanjem reciklažnog otpada u jedan od prva tri kontejnera. Na dobijenom tiketu se osim poruke o važnosti reciklaže nalazi i specijalni kod. Preko tog koda građani se loguju na internet sajt opštine koja je domaćin robota, na kom igraju “Green Games” video igrice sa ekološkim porukama. Ideja igrice je da se sakupi što više bodova, a bodovi se sakupljaju uklanjanjem otpada kroz različite nivoe igrice. Za prelazak na sledeći nivo igrice potrebno je ponovo nahraniti ArtEko robota sa reciklažnim otpadom, čime se deca i građani putem igre stimulišu na dodatno prikupljanje reciklažne sirovine.

Svi roboti prilikom korišćenja uključuju glasovnu poruku tipa “Hvala što recikliraš” ili “Reciklaža nije blamaža”, a uporedo se aktiviraju i svetla na ušima robota. Način upotrebe robota predstavljamo postavkom specijalnog strip plakata Robotinstruktora koji na lako razumljiv i interesantan način objašnjava i značaj reciklaže i način upotrebe ovih specijalnih robota ArtEko kontejnera.

Autor ArtEko robota mr Biljana Biba Vicković


U okviru kampanje “Recikliram za Savski!” tokom 2009/2010. godine, udruženje Oktopus je organizovalo mnogobrojne edukativne ekološke radionice u sklopu školskog nastavnog programa na opštini Savski venac, a demonstracija upotrebe ArtEko robota do danas je prezentovana:

  • 9-14. maja 2011. na Beogradskom sajmu tehnike "Tehnički nokaut"
  • 23-28. novembar 2010. u holu zgrade opštine Savski venac, u okviru izložbe za najbolji predlog za ime ArtEko robot, koja je realizovana sa šest osnovnih škola Savkog venca u okviru regularnog nastavnog programa.
  • 25-29. maj 2010. u okviru programa festivala “Mixer 2010”
  • 10. maj 2010. u okviru programa “Dan održivog razvoja” 2010.
  • Od 22. aprila u šoping molu Delta City, Arteko Robti svakodnevno sa decom i građanima na zabavan i atrktivan način obavljaju edukativno ekološku funkciju, prikupljajući pet, met i papirnu ambalažu.
  • 21. april 2010. Povodom 50. jubilarnog, međunarodnog Dana planete zemlje udruženje Oktopus, poklonilo je osnovnoj školi ”Anton Skala” sa opštine Savski Venac, četiri ArtEko robot kontejnera.
  • 17. april - 05. Jun 2010. u okviru kampanje “Oplaneti se! Recikliraj”, Zelena Lista Srbije predstavila je ArtEko kontejnere kroz 13 gradova Srbije
  • 04. decembar 2009. u okviru programa Festivala nauke 2010. Godine
  • 25. novembar 2009. udruženje Oktopus poklonilo je ArtEko robot - kontejnere školi “Jovan Miodragović” na opštini Vračar.







ArtEko Robot 3D









ArtEco recycling robots (Art to ecology)

ArtEco robots are conceived for the purpose of educating elementary school children and high school children on the importance of recycling process and the protection of the environment. Arteko robots serve for recycling paper, pet and met packaging.

Ticket robot is special because it is made to issue a ticket that is earned after throwing away a recycling material into one of the first three containers. There is a special code in addition to the message on the importance of recycling on the winning ticket. Using ArtEco hosting local municipalities Websites with logging in site will recognize coded-dedicated ticket no. and playing Green games gives each user opportunity to collect extra bonus points to reach various games levels. To further to next level user/player will need to feed the ArtEco Robots and accumulate more points. This game encourages all aspects of parties involved supporting eco-waste friendly awareness.

All the robots have a voice massage such as “Thanks for recycling”, and at the same time the lights on robot’s ears go off. The manner of using robots is presented by a special comic poster, Robot-instructor which in a way is easy to understand and in interesting way explains both the importance of recycling and the manner of using these special robot containers ArtEko.

Author of ArtEko robots is MA Biljana Biba Vicković


As part of the campaign “I recycle for Savski!” during 2009/2010, Oktopus organized many educational ecological workshops as part of school program in the municipality of Savski venac, Vračar and Novi Beograd and the presentation of the use of ArtEko robots till nowadays was presented:

  • 9th -14th May 2011 In Belgrade Technical Fair "Technical Nockout"
  • 23rd – 28th November 2010, in the hall of the City Hall Savski venac, as part of the exhibition for the best proposal for the name of ArtEko robot, which was realized for six elementary schools in Savki venac as part of a regular curriculum.
  • 25th - 29th May 2010 as part of the Festival program “Mixer 2010”
  • May 10th 2010. as part of the “The Day devoted to Sustainable Development”
  • From April 22nd in the shopping mall Delta City, Arteko Robots did educational and ecological function collecting pet, metal and paper packaging on daily basis with children and citizens in a funny and attractive way.
  • April 21st 2010 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Planet Earth Day Association Oktopus awarded four ArtEco robots recycling containers school “Antun Skala”.
  • 17th April – 5th June 2010. As part of the campaign “Start living on the Planet! Recycle”, the Green List of Serbia presented ArtEco recycling containers in 13 cities of Serbia.
  • December 4th 2009. as part of the program Science festival Belgrade 2010
  • November 25th 2009 Association Oktopus awarded tree ArtEco recycling robot containers to the school "Jovan Miodragović" at the municipality of Vračar
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