Jun 2012




82 učesnika Green Games seminara pozvani su da se tokom takmičarskih priprema o tehničkim pitanjima informišu putem foruma na adresi: http://www.greengames.rs/index.php/forum/
registracijom na adresi: http://www.greengames.rs/index.php/registracija

Tim studenata profesora Radoslava Stojića sa Metropolitan Univerziteta koji su deo sekcije za razvoj igara, Fakulteta Informacionih Tehnologija FIT, na raspolaganju su za svaki vid pomoći i savete koji timovima budu potrebni.

Početkom juna prijavljeno je 58 takmičarskih timova. Više saznaj na stranicama http://www.greengames.rs/index.php/gradovi



JUNE 2012

82 participants of the Green Games seminar were invited to inform themselves about technical issues during competition preparation, by forum on: http://www.greengames.rs/index.php/forum/ registration is on: http://www.greengames.rs/index.php/forum/

A team of students of professor Radoslav Stojic, from Metropolitan University who are part of the section for game development, Faculty of Information Technology - FIT, are available for any help and advice needed by teams.

In early June, 58 competing teams were reported. Find out more on the site: http://www.greengames.rs/index.php/gradovi

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