Oktobar 2011.
17 – 23 Oktobar 2011
Prezentacija “Green Games” takmičenja i nacionalne kampanje “Znanjem za održivi razvoj” u okviru programa 8. Medjunarodnog sajma zaštite životne sredine ECOFAIR.
Prezentacija “Green Games” takmičenja u okviru radioničarskog dela programa Dečijeg filmskog festivala 7 KIDS FEST.
17th – 23rd October 2011
Presentation of the national campaign "Knowledge for Sustainable Development" and "Green Games" competition at the "Kids Fest":
In the workshop part of Kids Fest-a festival, the audience is represented the launch of a national campaign and contest.
At the presentation the functioning of the ArtEko robot whose author is MA Biljana Biba Vicković was presented, scene presentation by the author B.Sc. scen. Livija Mikić and web presentation www.greengames.rs by B.Sc. Art Historian Jovana Golubović.
12 - 14. Oktobar 2011.
Prezentacija i “Green Games” takmičenja i u okviru programa 8. Međunarodnog sajma zaštite životne sredine ECOFAIR.
U okviru programa Ecco sajma 12–14. oktobra 2011. pred širokom beogradskom publikom predstavljen je početak rada nacionalne kampanje i “Green Games” takmičenja. Na prezentaciji je demonstriran i rad nagradnog ArtEko robota, scenska izvedba i web prezentacija www.greengames.rs autora mr Biljane Bibe Vicković, Dipl. scen. Livije Mikić, Jovane Golubović.
12th – 14th October 2011
Presentation of the national campaign "Knowledge for Sustainable Development" and "Green Games" competition at the 8th International Fair "ECCO FAIR":
As part of Ecco Fair 12th – 14th October 2011 in front of the wide Belgrade audience we presented the launch of a national campaign and competition.
At the presentation the functioning of the ArtEko robot whose author is MA Biljana Biba Vicković was presented, scene presentation by the author B.Sc. scen. Livija Mikić and web presentation www.greengames.rs by B.Sc. Art Historian Jovana Golubović.